What is Google Bard AI? | How is it different from ChatGPT?

Google Bard AI

What is Google Bard AI (Google AI Bard), how is it different from ChatGPT, and how does it work (How it Works, Uses, Benefits, Google Search Engine Impact, AI (Artificial Intelligence) LaMDA Technology)

New inventions have not ended yet in the world of technology. Let us tell you that now Google has launched its AI technology, Bard. The reason for launching it is to compete with Chat GPT-3. This is why it is being brought to the market so quickly. Google CEO Sundar Pichai himself gave this information by posting an official blog. He said that with its arrival people’s difficult tasks will be done easily. At present the company has released only a few testers. After this, if it is successful then it will be launched in the market as soon as possible. Let us know some special things about it.

Google Bard AI 2023 in Hindi (Google AI Bard)

Namegoogle ai bard
when was it launchedyear 2023
Launched by whom?Google
How was the announcement made?through blog post
who announcedBy the CEO of Google

What is Google Bard AI?

Google AI Bard is a kind of chatbot. Which is based on Google’s Dialogue application. Google has fed its Artificial Intelligence technology into this. Which will answer the questions of the users when connected to the internet. But at present no specific information has been given by Google regarding which questions it will be able to answer.

Google Bard AI has been launched today (Google Bard Launched Today)

Yes, you heard it right, Google Bard was launched during a Google event on 10th May.

New Features of Google Bard AI

This time many new features have been added to it.

Available in 180 countries including India

Till now Google Bard was launched only in US and UK for testing, but now it has been launched in India as well as 180 countries with some new features.

Now even more advanced

Till now, Google was giving answers to the questions asked by Bard through text, but now according to its advanced technology, it will now show visual results.

Has become more hi-tech because of PaLM 2

When Google Bard was first launched, it had the language model Lambda, but now it has been switched to PaLM 2, due to which Bard’s reasoning skills and advanced maths, as well as coding capacity, have become better than before. That means now it has become more hi-tech than before.

Along with Hindi, it will support 40 languages

Till now it was available only in English language, but now along with Hindi, 40 other languages ​​have also been included in it.

How to use Google Bard

For your information, let us tell you that using Google Bard is very easy, you have to go to its official website and log in through your Google account and then you can use it.

What is the official link of Google Bard?

If you want to use Google Bard, then for this you can go to its official link. Here you can use it by logging in with your Google account.

How Google AI Bard Works

Let us tell you that only its tester has been released so far. Not everyone has been given permission to access it. So you can’t psyop it. According to the information received from sources, it is being tested. It is being said that it is going to be completed soon after which it will be brought on the market. Only after that we will be able to tell how it works.

What is the difference between Google Bard AI and ChatGPT (Google Bard AI vs ChatGPT)

Google AI Bard and Chat GPT, however, both work on AI technology. But there is a lot of difference being said in it, like –

  • Let us tell you that Google AI Bard works much better than ChatGPT. Because on Chat GPT you will get the same information which will be fed in its data. But it is being said that those changes have been made to it.
  • The makers of Google AI Bard said that it has been designed completely differently from ChatGPT.
  • Also, the kind of creativity that you don’t see on ChatGPT, you will see better on Google AI Bard.

Will Google Search Engine be closed due to the arrival of Google Bard AI (Impact on Google Search Engine)

Everyone knows that Google’s search engine is the biggest engine. But the question arising in everyone’s mind is whether the Google search engine will be shut down with the arrival of Google AI Bard. If questions are arising in your mind regarding this then it is nothing like that. Because the Google search engine and Google AI bard are two different things. Where necessary information is searched through the Google search engine. You can know the answers to your questions from Google AI Bard. It will be linked to a separate website. More information about this will be available after its launch.

What is the Meaning of Bard?

Bard is a kind of professional storyteller. Which conveys different types of things to the people. Whether it is related to geography or history. Music is also added to it. That’s why it has been named Google AI Bard.

What is LaMDA?

Lambda is a type of application language. Which has been used in Google AI Bird. According to this, this model listens to human voices and responds accordingly. This means that when any person talks in front of it, it listens to his voice and responds to it. This is called lambda.

What controversy arose regarding LaMDA?

As you all know Lambda is a technology that listens to human voice and responds to it. Due to this, a lot of controversy had arisen in the year 2022. What came to light in this uproar? According to him, Lamda Chatbot had started becoming insecure about herself. He said that his developers should not be banned. However, it is a different matter that Google called these things rumors and ended them in time.

What is the threat to Google from ChatGPT (Impact on Google from ChatGPT)

Google’s AI tool has not been made live yet. Therefore no information is released about it. This tool is currently in the testing phase. Once it will be launched for the general public. Only then will you understand its differences. If you want to know, answers to the questions asked by the user are received in Chat GPT. Whereas in Bird, the latest information available on the internet can be released.

What is the benefit to Microsoft (Benefit for Microsoft)

Microsoft has launched Bing with Chat GPT. On the other hand, Open AI has made Chat GPT subscription-based. By the way, now its free version is also being given to the users. But there are many kinds of problems with it. In such a situation, users are going to go to Microsoft Bing. Therefore, now the competition between Microsoft and Google continues in the market.

What impact will the arrival of Google Bard AI have on people? (Impact on Humans)

Google AI Bard which is a kind of chatbot. With his arrival, many things will definitely change. But nothing much. Because the creativity that a human can do can never be done by a machine. Therefore, no changes will be seen on this.

The future of the world of AI technology

Artificial Intelligence technology is being considered as the future of the world. Due to this, there is a race among tech companies to increase AI. In the year 2022, Chat GPT has taken the battle of AI to a new level. Google has brought its own Bird to compete with Chat GPT. Whose testing is currently going on? After which it will be released officially.


Q: When is Google Bard AI  being launched?

Ans: It is being launched in February 2023.

Q: What is Google Bard AI?

Ans: It is a kind of chatbot service.

Q: Who announced the launch of Google Bard AI?

Ans: Google CEO Sundar Pichai did it.

Q: Will the Google search engine be closed with the arrival of Google Bard AI?

Ans: No, the Google search engine will not stop.

Q: Who will be harmed by the arrival of Google Bard AI?

Ans: ChatGPT may be harmed by Google AI Bard.

By Admin

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